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Valuable Benefits of Wheatgrass for Ulcerative Colitis and Health Treatments

Valuable Benefits of Wheatgrass for Ulcerative Colitis and Health Treatments

Valuable Benefits of Wheatgrass for Ulcerative Colitis and Health Treatments

Wheatgrass or Triticum aestivum may look like common grass. However, it has many beneficial points for health. The beneficial points can be obtained in a form of juice or the other processed food. Well, the most common form is wheatgrass juice.

This green juice is able to treat many health ailments including digestive problems such as ulcerative colitis. This article would like to tell you about the benefits of wheatgrass for ulcerative colitis along with the recommendation on how to consume wheatgrass juice.

But first, let’s review about ulcerative colitis. This is one of the digestive problems caused by the inflamed large intestine, or colon. It can also emerge swelling because of the inflammation along the digestive track. It is different from the other bowel disease, as it might be treated, but it can’t be completely cured.

Therefore, the symptom of this diseases flare-ups on and off. Nevertheless, the proper treatment is needed in every symptom reoccurrence.  In this case, wheatgrass with its excellent nutrition can give natural treatment to the inflammation.

The Nutritional Information of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is claimed to have the benefits of wheatgrass for ulcerative colitis. The benefits come from the excellent nutrients of wheatgrass. Here is the nutritional information of every 8 grams of organic wheatgrass:

  • Calories 35
  • Total fat 0
  • Cholesterol 0
  • Protein 2g
  • Total carbohydrate 4g
  • Dietary fiber 2g
  • Vitamin A 3800 IU
  • Vitamin C 17mg
  • Vitamin K 80mcg
  • Riboflavin 6mg
  • Niacin 6mg
  • Vitamin B6 1mg
  • Folic Acid 80mcg
  • Vitamin B12 1mcg
  • Calcium 35mg
  • Iron 2mg
  • Iodine 18mcg
  • Selenium 8mcg
  • Manganese 548mcg
  • Sodium 2mg
  • Potassium 230mg

The Health Benefits of Wheatgrass for Ulcerative Colitis

The benefits of wheatgrass for ulcerative colitis have been known for years as it is included in Benefits of Barley Grass, Wheatgrass and Alfalfa. The fact is also supported by research which is conducted in this field.

One of the researches conducted in 2002 stated that wheatgrass juice appeared to be effective and safe as a treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis. So, what are the other benefits of wheatgrass for ulcerative colitis?

  1. Reduce rectal bleeding

One of the symptoms of severe ulcerative colitis is rectal bleeding. Surprisingly, wheatgrass juice is effective for rectal bleeding. It is proved by an investigation which gave the wheatgrass juice treatment for patients diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.

The patients were given 100cc of wheatgrass juice in one month. The result showed that the patients were in significant health improvement after a month, as the rectal bleeding and even the overall disease activity were reduced.

  1. Improve metabolism

Normal metabolism is required for digestive health. Especially for those with ulcerative colitis, fiber consumption which enhance metabolism system is highly required. The dietary fiber is able to protect the digestive tract. It can reduce lesion within the intestine and prolong the remission of the disease.

  1. Reduce inflammation

One of the benefits of wheatgrass for ulcerative colitis is the ability of the juice to reduce inflammation. This benefit is mainly supported by the presence of selenium in wheatgrass. selenium in wheatgrass are the most effect compound in reducing inflammation.

When selenium levels are adequate in the body, it will also improve the body iron status, to keep ulcerative colitis patient healthy and safe from any blood loss from bleeding ulcers.

  1. Prevent devastating effect on intestine cell

The high antioxidant of wheatgrass is contributed by the high level of vitamin E with its Health Benefits of Vitamin E in the wheatgrass. Vitamin e effectively acts as antioxidants.

As we now, antioxidant is needed to prevent any further damage on the intestines’ cells by prevent oxidation process within the intestines which mainly caused by free radicals. Besides, it also contains vitamin C with its Vitamin C Benefits For Health.

  1. Maintain vitamin D intake

The common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are vitamin D deficiency. You know that there will be Vitamin D Deficiency Health Risks  if you cannot maintain vitamin D intake. It is usually related to the more activity increased from the disease.

In this case, wheatgrass can provide sufficient vitamin D content for ulcerative colitis patient just by consuming wheatgrass juice regularly. Vitamin D is needed to reduce inflammation in the colon.

  1. Prevent cancer

the prolonged condition of ulcerative colitis may increase the risk of colon cancer. As we know, wheatgrass contain good number of antioxidants which is the powerful compound to fight cancer and all of the pro cancer agents.

The anti-inflammatory property of wheatgrass also helps the patients in reducing the risk of cancer occurrence. As we know, cancer cells are usually formed though dome process which involves inflammation.

Recommendation on The Wheatgrass Consumption

The most effective way in consuming wheat grass to get the benefits of wheatgrass for ulcerative colitis is by drinking wheatgrass juice. Different from the common fruit juice, wheatgrass juice is made by grinding the dry grass into powder, and then mix it with water.

But if you can handle the fresh and raw wheatgrass juice, it is okay for you. Well, some people say that the wheatgrass juice from wheatgrass powder tastes tamer and easier to make. Otherwise, you can also mix it with fruit juice to enhance the taste, such as gac juice.

On the other hand, people also consume it in a form of capsule or pellet tablets. For the recommended dosage, it is better to consume wheatgrass no more than 6 grams in a day.

Precautions for Wheatgrass Juice Consumption

To get the maximum benefits, it should be taken moderately in an empty stomach. Wait for about an hour to eat or drink after drinking the wheatgrass juice. It allows the juice to work optimally in the intestine and let the digestive track take a little break during the treatment of wheatgrass juice. Drink some water after that.

Consume it regularly, as the benefits of wheatgrass for ulcerative colitis may take sometimes to give the optimum effect. In addition, it is better to consult your doctor before consume wheatgrass juice regarding your personal health condition.

Wheatgrass may slightly upset your stomach if you are not used to a clean diet. Besides, you should also consider that wheatgrass might emerge allergic reaction for those with wheat sensitivity. So, pay attention to the way you feel after the consumption of wheatgrass juice.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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