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patricia reynier price in Nigeria

patricia reynier price in Nigeria

patricia reynier price in Nigeria

Patricia Reynier Argan Milk 500 ml: toning care treatment with argan oil. Argan milk of the Patricia Reynier range includes the most fabulous virtues of the East. Argan Oil, world-famous for its exceptional moisturizing and anti-ageing qualities, will nourish in depth your epidermis and put a new radiance and youth to it. Moreover, its 100% natural efficient complex makes it possible to fight unattractive spots due to ageing, sunburn, insect bites, pregnancy and excess cunsumption of drugs.


You will quicky notice that your skin seems perfectly nourisshed and unifed.


Instuctions for use: after having cleanded your skin with Argan erasing soap of Patricia Reynier, apply Patricia Reynier Argan luxury soap all over your body. For maximum effiency, add a few drops of Patricia Reynier Argan seum


Price of patricia reynier in Nigeria

The price of patricia reynier in Nigeria ranges from N10000 to N15,000 depending on your location

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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