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Nura M Inwa com official website

Nura M Inwa com official website

Nura M Inwa com official website

From the official website of BBC Hausa, they wrote:

BBC viewers in the UK and around the world see it as a reliable source of information. Our internet sites, such as our television and radio stations, are honest and impartial and self-reliant and fair.

Our rules of journalism say: “Everything we do depends on the trust of our followers in our programs. We are free and we do not discriminate and we uphold the truth. We restore We are committed to reaching the pinnacle of truth and non-discrimination and we are determined to avoid deceiving our followers, either knowingly or unknowingly.

“Our commitment to non-discrimination is the cornerstone of this trusting relationship. In all of our programs, we will look at every fair and honest news. We will look at all the important information in a fair and honest manner.”

nura m inwa com

We know that recognizing authentic news on the Internet can be a daunting task. We also know that viewers want to better understand how the BBC produces news.

For these reasons, BBC NEWS is stepping up its efforts to provide information on the information you read or view on our website, as well as the source and source of the information and the formatting of the news. By doing so, we will help you understand why BBC News can be trusted.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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