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List of Herbs Used in Indian Cooking and Its Health Benefits

List of Herbs Used in Indian Cooking and Its Health Benefits

List of Herbs Used in Indian Cooking and Its Health Benefits

Those who have tasted Indian cuisine must know that each of cuisine is rich herbs and spices. Some of you may be able to mention some herbs and spices commonly used in Indian cooking such as curry leaves or cinnamon but you also know that more of those herbs and spices are not easy to mention. The list of herbs used in Indian cooking and its health benefits below may give you some insight knowledge about some secret recipes most Indian would add to their cuisines.

  1. Cardamom

Indian cuisine is using both green and black cardamom. Traditionally, cardamom is home remedy to indigestion from constipation, acidity, diarrhea, stomach infection up to dysentery.

  1. Clove

Beside of being used as cooking herbs and spices, Indian people also have habit to chew clove. This habit helps them fighting bad breath naturally while for pregnant mothers, clove is good to fight morning sickness.

  1. Cassia bark

Cassia bark is also well known cinnamon which is obtained from the bark of cassia tree. The benefits of cinnamon are for gout, hypertension, overcoming heartburn, treating diarrhea and also effective lowering blood sugar level.

  1. Black Pepper

Compared to the regular white pepper, black pepper is tasted a bit bitter which is perfect for some Indian cuisines. When talking about the benefits of black pepper, this type of pepper could act as antidepressant and prevent cancer.

  1. Cumin

Cumin seeds are among spices that every Indian kitchen should have. It is not only tasty but also healthy to help digestion, boost immunity system, cancer prevention and also excellent source of vitamin A and plant-based protein.

  1. Coriander

Indian cuisine is using both the seeds and the leaves of coriander. Though health benefits of coriander seeds and the leaves are not that different but they make significant improvement in the flavour of Indian cooking. Both the seeds and leaves contain potent anti-inflammatory properties and able to induce urination for treating urinary infection.

  1. Nutmeg

The bitter taste of nutmeg is one of the signatures of Indian cuisine. Some studies have stated that nutmeg is able to cure insomnia and acting as body detox as well.

  1. Curry Leaf

A lot of people know that curry leaf has been part of Indian cuisine since ancient time but less people know about the health benefits of curry leaves which are effective to treat haemorrhoid, anaemia, skin infection and even able to reduce the side effect of chemotherapy.

  1. Mustard Seeds

Mustard seeds are excellent source of antioxidants that could help preventing the side effect of free radicals. It means mustard seeds are also able to fight cancer and inhibit the growth of tumor.

  1. Fenugreek

The Indian is not only using fenugreek for cooking but also consumed it as herbal tea. Health benefits of fenugreek tea are natural body detox and as rich of potassium, fenugreek tea is also good to maintain cardiovascular health.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a powerful herbal remedy to treat some various diseases such as cancer, tumor, diabetes, joint inflammation up to Alzheimer and dementia.

  1. Saffron

The amazing health benefits of saffron is this spice could help reducing the symptoms of depression, relieving anxiety and even some studies have proven how amazing this spice in fighting dementia and Alzheimer.

  1. Allspice

Allspice may be well known as Jamaican spice but in Indian cuisine, allspice is also super special. Adding allspice to daily cooking could help maintaining the immune system, improving metabolism and for women could help reducing the symptoms of PMS.

  1. Bay Leaf

What people don’t know about bay leaf is this herbal plant is actually rich of vitamin c benefits and also some essential minerals, especially potassium and iron. It means bay leaf is excellent herb to optimize the production of RBCs.

  1. Cayenne Pepper

Spice flavour is the main signature of Indian cooking and cayenne pepper becomes one of the spices almost each Indian cooking must has. Aside from being rich of vitamin C, cayenne pepper is also excellent source of beta-carotene.

  1. Dill

Dill is not only tasty but also healthy. Traditionally, dill is consumed by women to help them dealing with the symptoms of PMS.

  1. Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds are excellent source of fiber. In other words, consuming poppy seeds regularly could help managing cholesterol level, good for digestion and also excellent for weight loss.

  1. Star Anise

Speaking of the health benefits of star anise, this spice is super great for digestion due to its minerals content that could help treating and curing diarrhea, preventing constipation and some others stomach diseases.

  1. Tamarind

Not only for Indian cuisine tamarind is a common spice found in the Asian kitchens. Tamarind contains natural antiseptic that could be used as home remedy to sore throat and treat wound.

  1. Celery

Indian cooking is using both the seeds and the leaf of celery. Celery leaf is excellent source of antioxidant and good for weight loss while the seed is able to help managing the cholesterol level.

  1. Oregano

Oregano is well known for its antibacterial properties that could help reducing the risk of urinary tract infection.

  1. Capers

Caper is well known for its edible flowering bud that is becoming one of the main signature dishes of Indian cuisine. It is rich of antioxidants and minerals and commonly consumed as home remedy to fight anaemia.

  1. Basil Seeds

Basil is excellent source of vitamin K which is super helpful in optimizing the function of calcium. In other words, consuming basil seeds regularly could help strengthening bones and maintaining the bones density.

  1. Ginger

Drinking ginger ale regularly is one of the ways to enjoy the benefits of ginger. In Indian cuisine ginger has its own prominent place. Aside from that ginger is also well known as natural antiseptic and source of antioxidants good for body metabolism.

Though you already know some herbs and spices from the list of herbs used in Indian cooking and its health benefits mentioned above but still it is not easy to master traditional Indian cuisine. However, if you have chance to taste some, you have to make sure to not miss that chance.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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