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Ibadan to Abuja by Road: Bus Price & Other Details (2021)

Ibadan to Abuja by Road: Bus Price & Other Details (2021)

Ibadan to Abuja by Road: Bus Price & Other Details (2021)

Are you looking to travel to travel from Ibadan to Abuja by road soon or you want to know more about the trip? You are in the right place. With lots of road transport companies available today, it is essential to know what to expect in terms of bus ticket prices and other details.

To ensure you get the best deals possible, this post takes a look at prices of bus tickets from Ibadan to Abuja for various popular road transport companies. We will also take a quick look at things to consider when deciding on a bus to go with.

ibadan to abuja by road

Bus Ticket Prices from Ibadan to Abuja

Once you have confirmed you will be travelling from Ibadan to Abuja by road, whether for personal, business of official purposes, the next important step is to enquire about the prices of bus tickets to Enugu. With lots of road transport companies available today offering different packages and prices of tickets, it is essential to enquire about the various prices of tickets as to get the best deal.

Booking a bus ticket from Ibadan to Abuja is relatively easy. In fact, you can book the bus ticket within the confines of your room provided you have access to good internet connection and an internet-enabled mobile device, tablet or a computer. After booking the bus ticket, important details you need for the trip including the actual take-off time, your seat number and other details are displayed. While it is so easy to book a flight, the more pressing issue is how much the bus tickets go for.

Comparing various prices of buses trending this route gives you an idea of what to expect and helps you get the best possible offer. Here, we will take a lot at prices of bus tickets from Ibadan to Abuja, considering prices of several popular bus companies.

ABC Transport

Take off times: 08:00 am, 08:00 am

Price – N8,500 – N9,500

Old Price: N6, 500 – N7, 500

Peace Mass Transport Limited

Take off times: 06:00 am, 06:30 am, 07:00 am, 07: 00 am, 08: 00 am, 08: 30 am

Price: N11, 000 – N11,500

Old Price: N5, 500 – N6, 000

Other Buses at popular parks

Take off times: n/a

Price – N8, 000 – N11,500

Old Price: N4, 000 – N5, 500


How long Does it take to Get to Ibadan to Abuja by Road?

The duration of the whole trip from Ibadan to Abuja varies. The duration depends on the speed of the vehicle and the route. On the average, the trip is between 8 to 10 hours. This depends on the take-off terminal and the condition of the vehicle. Some vehicles get to Abuja few minutes before the estimated time while some others get there minutes later.

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Bus from Ibadan to Abuja

  • Consider your budget for the trip: Do we still need to emphasize this? Bus ticket varies and it is essential you consider how much you are willing to spend on the trip. You should go for buses your budget covers. This being said, it is also important to note that your safety matters. Boarding unregistered buses on the roadside from Ibadan to Abuja can be unsafe and inconvenient.
  • Consider the Route: There are different routes from Ibadan to Abuja. Although there is the main route, the bus company might have another route they follow for various reasons. Enquire about the route the bus is taking and check if it suits you and your plans.
  • Location of Terminals: It is always better to board buses whose terminals are close to your area. Although there is usually significant difference in prices of bus tickets, your convenience to the bus terminal matters. You should also consider the sitting arrangements of the bus you are travelling to confirm how comfortable they are. You can get reviews of most of the road transport companies online to know more about them.

Nice Places to Visit in Abuja

Are you travelling to Abuja for the first time or you have never really had a cool place to go whenever you are in the city? Then this section is for you. Abuja is one of the finest cities in Nigeria and given the fact that it harbours the home and office of the President of Nigeria, you should expect nothing less from the enviable city. Abuja is not short of places to visit. Whether for fun, relaxation, tourism, education or history, the city gives you a taste of every great place you can imagine. While this is no news to a lot of people, the main issue has been the places to visit that bring this special effect and feel.

In this post, we will take a look at some top places to visit in Abuja that will leave lasting positive impression in you minds. This list of places is selected based on people’s reviews.

  • Millennium Park: If you are a fan of outdoor fun and picnics, then visiting Millennium Park will be an amazing trip for you. Located at the heart of one of the biggest areas in Abuja, the Park is a lovely place for picnics and outdoor fun events. The sight is beautiful and serene.
  • Jabi Lake: Do you love adventure? Then get ready for some amazing trip here. You can take a boat ride in this lake and enjoy the feel of this amazing lake.
  • Eagle Square: Now let us talk history. If you want to know more about the country and so historic events, then visiting this place whenever you are in Abuja is a must.
  • Abuja International Motor Fair: If you are a car lover like me, then you should visit the Abuja International Motor Fair. Be sure to thank me later after amazing motor car shows.
  • Silverbird Cinemas: Even movie lovers wouldn’t get bored in Abuja! How does watching the latest movies on the biggest screens with some popcorn sound? Right! Get your shoes ready and visit the Silverbird cinemas.

Other places to visit include;

  • Aso Rock
  • City Gate
  • Mediterranean Hotel
  • IBB Golf Course
  • Hilton pool and gym
  • Pedam Lake, etc.

See Prices of Travel by Road in Nigeria

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