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Overall Cost of Starting a Blog in Nigeria

Overall Cost of Starting a Blog in Nigeria

Overall Cost of Starting a Blog in Nigeria

When it comes to starting a blog, one of the common questions people ask is always related to the total amount required in developing one. While some blog as a hobby, some others do it as a source of income. Depending on how simple or complex you want your blog to be, the amount required to completely build the blog varies.

In this post, we will take a look at an estimated amount it costs to build a standard blog from start to finish. We will focus on the core parts of blog creation and areas you will likely spend on.


How Much Does it Cost to Start Blogging in Nigeria?

Regardless of the kind of blog you are looking to build, it actually does not cost so much. Although the actual start-to-finish costs can vary depending on the complexity of the blog, you wouldn’t necessarily need to break the bank to complete a standard one.

Here, we will cover the core aspects of blogging that might require you to spend certain amounts. We will categorize each core process and highlight how much you might likely sped per step, depending on what you are looking to build.

Getting a Domain Name

This is usually the first and, in most cases, the most important step when it comes to starting a blog. The Domain name is what makes people actually find your blog when searched on the internet. The Domain name not only serves as the identity of your blog, it carries the name and the address. Usually, you are required to pay for a domain name if you are looking to build a standard blog. Domain names generally cost between $7 – $15 depending on the domain registrar you are using. See below the price list of popular domain registrar available in Nigeria and how much they charge.

  • GoDaddy – $9 – $10
  • NameCheap – $10 – $11
  • Ng – N990 (for a .ng) and N2900 (for a .com)

In addition to the purchase of a domain name, you are expected to pay a certain amount annually for renewal of the domain. In most cases, you pay similar amount you paid for the domain in the first place.

Buying a Web Hosting Plan

After purchasing a subscribing for a domain name, the next step is looking to get a host for the blog. Your blog requires web hosting to store the site content on the internet and ensures it is accessible to everyone. While you wouldn’t necessarily need to know the technicalities and the complicity around the process, you can just reach companies that handle these to help host the blog.

Regardless of the kind of blog you are looking to build, you will be required a host for your website to  get it to the level you want. Depending on the host you are using, this should not cost you up to $10 per month. for instance, offers hosting for as low as N300 depending on the package. Although most hosting companies charge monthly, there are some packages that allow customer pay discounted amounts if they are paying yearly. – Free

After you have spent on those first two, you can now relax and enjoy your blog. WordPress is the platform that afford you the chance to put content on your blog. This is one of the most fun bit of the blogging process. All you need to do is download the WordPress software free and install it into your workstation. You can also just assess it directly online. You can then create. Another option most people have is to sign up for web hosting through a service like the HostGator, which allows for a more direct WordPress installation. You wouldn’t need to pay a dime for the installation and setting up your blog on WordPress. The platform also allows you to customize your blog, design your themes and contents. While there are generic themes you can use for your blog, there are other themes you might be required to pay for.

Overall Estimated Cost of Starting a Blog in Nigeria

Anyone can get a blog of their own regardless of what type of blog you are looking to create. So far you can get a domain name and web hosting, usually for less than $100 per annum. Doing a rough calculation, it would break down as $10 – $15 to get a domain name and say, $7 – $8 per month for hosting, which approximates to about $85 per year.

Converting this to naira, you might not even pend up to N30, 000 per year depending on the currency exchange rate at the period, where you are purchasing the domain name from and largely, the service you are selecting to host the web.

Regardless of why you are starting the blog, whether it is for fun or to make profit, it is essential for every blogger to be able to go through the main blogging process and decide on the best niche for his or her blog. One of the core aspects of blogging is content creation.

This, depending on the kind of blog you look to run, might come with its own expense. If you are running a blog that require you to hire a content creator, you might need to include the cost in your planning. Having all these planned out will go a long way in sustaining the blog.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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