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Benefits Of Eating Mango At Night

Benefits Of Eating Mango At Night

Benefits Of Eating Mango At Night

It’s not uncommon for our late-night cravings to get the best of us. Sometimes we find ourselves choosing our favorite junk foods over healthier options, but this choice can often interfere with our sleep quality. Fortunately, mangoes are a deliciously sweet nighttime snack to curb cravings and improve your rest.

Mangoes are not only a tasty fruit, but they also offer an abundance of nutrients to keep your body healthy. In fact, some countries refer to mangoes as the “king of fruits” for their impressive list of benefits—research suggests nutrients in mangoes are known to strengthen the immune system, improve digestive health, and even enhance eyesight.

In this article, we take a look at some of the benefits of eating mangoes before bedtime.

1. Enhances Sleep Quality

Snacking on a couple of mango slices can help you get to bed faster and provide you with more restorative rest. Mangoes contain a significant amount of Pyridoxine (B-6), a vitamin responsible for the synthesis of serotonin. Your body uses serotonin to produce melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, thus preparing your body for a peaceful slumber.

2. Relieves Congestion

The antimicrobial properties of mangoes are effective in eliminating phlegm and relieving cough. Eating a mango may remedy any congestion and open your airways for better breathing during sleep. Additionally, mangoes contain anti-inflammatory properties helpful for the prevention and treatment of asthma.

3. Helps Control Blood Pressure

Aside from being a juicy and sweet treat, mangoes also contribute to lowering blood pressure. Oftentimes, a lack of fiber in one’s diet can put you at risk of hypertension and other blood-related diseases. Luckily, mangoes are full of fiber and potassium, as these nutrients increase levels of insulin to keep your blood pressure stable.

4. Promotes a Healthy Heart

The high levels of potassium and magnesium in mangoes are great for improving heart health because these minerals help your body maintain a steady pulse and keep your blood vessels relaxed. Mangoes also contain mangiferin, a unique bioactive ingredient known to protect the heart cells against inflammation.

5. Cleanses Your Skin

High quantities of vitamin C in mangoes keep your skin looking youthful and vibrant. Consuming more vitamin C helps with the production of collagen—a structural protein the body uses to prevent saggy skin. Not to mention, mangoes are full of powerful antioxidants, so eating a couple of slices can protect your skin from UV rays and other impurities.

There are many ways you can incorporate mangoes into your skin routine. One option is to place thin slices of mangoes on problem areas for 10 to 15 minutes. After this step, remove your mango pieces and cleanse your face with your favorite face wash.

Another creative idea is to make a facial scrub using mashed mangoes combined with milk and honey. Gently massage the mixture onto damp skin and spread around your face in a circular motion. We recommend you apply this face scrub once or twice a week, as frequent use may dry out your skin.

6. Improves Concentration and Memory

A unique quality of mangoes is their high content glutamic acid, a protein your body uses to transmit information from cells to the different parts of the brain. Having increased levels of glutamic acid in your system, as a recent study suggests, can enhance memory and improve sensory function. This can be especially helpful for keeping you on your toes during a jammed-packed day.

7. Boosts Your Eyesight

Eating at least one mango a day gives you 25% of the daily requirement of vitamin A. For individuals who suffer from cataracts or other eye conditions, an influx of vitamin A protects the surface of your cornea and strengthens eyesight. Additionally, the nutrient sharpens nighttime vision and reduces dry eye symptoms.

8. Strengthens Your Immune System

Including mangoes in your diet can strengthen your immune system, as these fruits account for two-thirds of the daily intake of vitamin C. The extra vitamin C in your diet allows your body to produce more white blood cells, protecting you from infectious diseases such as the flu.

9. Regulates Your Digestive System

Mangoes contain a group of digestive enzymes called amylases. Your body uses these enzymes to break down complex carbs into simple sugars. This process makes it easier for the body to absorb carbohydrates and improves your digestive health.  Furthermore, the high fiber content in mangoes reduces the risk of gastrointestinal problems (GI) and other stomach related diseases.

10. Contributes to Weight Loss

Though mangoes contain a higher level of organic sugar than most fruits, they can actually be beneficial for weight loss when consumed in moderation. The caloric density of mangoes curbs hunger and keeps you full for longer periods. Plus, the undeniable sweetness will keep you from reaching for sugary junk foods.


How many mangoes should I eat a day?

Mangoes are rich in carbohydrates and contain a higher level of sugar than most fruits. When mangos are consumed in excess, they can increase blood glucose levels. It’s best to consume these fruits in moderation, limiting yourself to 1 to 2 mangoes a day. Furthermore, if you are a diabetic you should limit your consumption to 1 to 2 mango slices every two days to keep your glucose levels stable.

What is the sugar content in mangoes?

One serving of mango contains about 46 grams of all-natural sugar and 0 grams of added sugars. The naturally occurring sugars differ from refined sugars found in junk food because they provide nutritional value. However, when these fruits are eaten in excess, they can contribute to high blood sugar and other health-related issues.

What is the best way to eat a mango?

One of the most popular ways to eat mangoes is by slicing them and eating them raw. However, this fruit is extremely versatile and can be added to smoothies and salads, as well. Not to mention, they can also be turned into delicious homemade fruit juice and salsas.

What foods should I avoid before bed?

It’s best to stay away from fatty, greasy foods before you go to bed because they cause bellyaches and nighttime heartburn—some examples of foods to avoid include pizza, creamy pasta, and ice cream. To prevent sleep disruptions, eat dinner at least three hours before bed and incorporate lighter foods, such as whole grains, salmon, turkey, and leafy greens, into your evening meals.

Is it okay to snack before bedtime?

When it comes to snacking before bedtime, it’s best to choose healthy options rather than junk food. Eating sugary foods late at night can cause stomach aches and hinder your sleep quality. However, keeping snacks small and light will curb your late-night cravings without causing sleep disruptions, so you won’t have to worry about going to bed hungry.


Mangoes are full of essential nutrients to keep your body strong and healthy and these juicy fruits make great late-night snacks because they satisfy your appetite without causing sleep disruptions. However, it’s important to remember mangoes contain more sugar than other fruits, and they should be eaten in moderation. It’s best to consume no more than two mangoes a day to ensure you are maximizing their nutritional benefits.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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