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Ayurvedic List of Medicinal Herbs in India and Health Benefits

Ayurvedic List of Medicinal Herbs in India and Health Benefits

Ayurvedic List of Medicinal Herbs in India and Health Benefits

Living with nature will open your mind that it is not only you who protect the nature but if you respect the nature, nature will protect you as well. You could make an endless list of herbs, spices, herbal plant that have been part of your daily life. The list of medicinal herbs in India and health benefits below is just some example of herbal plant that commonly found in India but also well known around the world.

  1. Aloe Vera

Speaking of the health benefits of aloe vera the list could be endless because it is a top beauty treatment, good for eyes, great for hair and scalp health and also could be used as enhancement to improve male’s sexual performance. Aloe vera is rich of fiber which is also super good for digestion and cholesterol management.

  1. Tulsi

The other name of tulsi is the queen of herb because it could do wonder to skin. Tulsi is traditionally used as skin treatment to cure acne, disguise scar, brighten the skin tone, solution to blackhead and containing anti-aging content.

  1. Coriander

Coriander is one of the herbal plant which both seeds and leaves contain some potent medicinal properties. The health benefits of coriander seeds are containing anti-rheumatic properties and anti-inflammation while the leaves are well known as effective antibiotic.

  1. Lemongrass

There are a lot of potential health benefits of lemongrass for human health. It has been part of Ayurvedic medication since ancient time to be used as aromatherapy to fight the symptoms of depression.

  1. Ajwain

Ajwain is the Hindi of carom seeds which contain a lot of potential medicinal properties. It is effective to cure some digestive conditions from constipation, slow bowel movement up to diarrhea.

  1. Haridra

Some studies have been conducted to find out more information about haridra which is native to the Himalayas. This herbal plant is well known for its amazing benefit for skin but it is also good to treat some respiratory problems, prevent liver damage and cure ulcers.

  1. Sarpagandha

Sarpagandha is also well known as Indian snakeroot. This herb could help those with trouble sleeping, anxiety, mental disorder as serious as schizophrenia due to its sedative effect.

  1. Guggulu

The anti-inflammatory properties found in guggulu are excellent to treat cholesterol disorder, and maintain heart health. Guggulu is also excellent immunity booster and traditionally used as natural body detox.

  1. Brahmi

Brahmi leaves are packed with several potent antioxidants which are not only good to fight free radicals and combat cancer but consuming brahmi leaves regularly is also good for brain health and nervous system.

  1. Amla

Amla is the local word for Indian gooseberry. The fruit of this plant has been part of Ayurvedic medication and used as home remedy to light fever, sore throat and indigestion. This fruit also has diuretic properties to help optimizing the function of kidney and liver.

  1. Ashwagandha

The main benefits of ashwagandha leaves are for weight loss. The adaptogenic properties found in this herb could help strengthening immunity system and relieves fat properties to prevent excessive weight gain or obesity.

  1. Arjun Tree

Arjun tree is traditionally consumed as heart tonic. This tonic is highly recommended for athlete or those who want to expand their endurance during a workout session. Aside from that this herbal plant is also super helpful in managing the symptoms of high blood pressure, cholesterol level and blood sugar.

  1. Turmeric

The yellow colour of turmeric makes this spice is commonly used as food colouring. However, the benefits of turmeric are more than that. This spice is good for weight loss, packed with antioxidants, good for diabetes and also cholesterol.

  1. Ceylon Cinnamon

There are a lot of varieties of cinnamon but Ceylon cinnamon is the best recommendation which is also well known as the true cinnamon. Health benefits of Ceylon cinnamon are good for normalizing the insulin level, lowering the blood sugar level and excellent for insulin therapy.

  1. Neem Plant

The locals know the health benefits of neem leaves for diabetes. Drinking neem leaves regularly as herbal drink could help diabetic patient overcome the symptoms of diabetes by lowering the blood sugar level.

  1. Lady Fern

As part of traditional and Ayurvedic remedy, lady ferns have been well known for its amazing ability to treat some indigestion condition such as stomach ache, parasite infection, diarrhea, bowel problems up to stomach cramp.

  1. Marigold

Marigold is a beautiful flower you should grow in your backyard because this flowering plant has a lot of benefits for human health. Marigold contains anti-inflammation properties that could help reducing eye inflammation. As natural antiseptic, marigold is traditionally used to treat wound, prevent skin infection and cure rashes.

  1. Camomile

Camomile is commonly consumed in the form of tasty and healthy herbal tea. The relaxing health benefits of herbal chamomile tea are the reasons why people love this tea so much to help them overcoming nervous issue, fighting sleeping problem and relieving headache.

  1. Peppermint

Peppermint is commonly used as essential oil as part of Indian traditional massage. The aromatic aroma of peppermint is super relaxing while the properties contained in peppermint are not only good for skin but also relieving stiff muscle and joint pain.

  1. Fenugreek

Science has proved there so much benefits of fenugreek for human health. Fenugreek is the source of antioxidants which are good to fight free radicals, fight cancer and optimize the cells regeneration. Fenugreek is also used as natural body detox to help refreshing the body and optimizing the function of liver and cleansing the kidney and the intestine.

  1. Henna Leaf

Have you ever wondered why the Indian women have great hair? They are really black, shiny and healthy. Their secret is henna leaf. Not only for hair, henna leaf is also good for skin and maintain healthy scalp to help stimulating the growth of hair.

If your knowledge about herbal plant native to India is only limited to cinnamon or curry leaf, the list of medicinal herbs in India and health benefits mentioned above will open your mind that the world of herbs and spices are enormous and impossible for you to make a list of all of them. However, learning bit by bit will give you some insight knowledge that nature always beside you to provide all the benefits for human life.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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