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24 Health Benefits of Moringa Seed Oil (No.1 is Super)

24 Health Benefits of Moringa Seed Oil (No.1 is Super)

24 Health Benefits of Moringa Seed Oil (No.1 is Super)

What is Moringa Seed Oil?

Moringa seed oil is an oil extracted from the seeds of Moringa tree which is also known as the Drumstick tree. Moringa seed oil also has another name, it is often called Ben oil,  because of the high amounts of behenic acid in the moringa seed oil.

Moringa seed oil has been proven scientifically to be very useful oil, these health benefits of Moringa seed Oil has also been documented in the medicinal books of Greece and Rome. Nowadays, moringa seed oil is being used for numerous industrial applications. Apart from that. moringa seed oil is also great for topical use on the skin and the hair. Moringa seed oil can also be used cooking purpose, it is known to bring a soft, appealing taste to the foods.

Nutritional Information

Moringa seed oil is well known for its nutrition, which is truly unique among many other oils. These nutritional aspects of moringa seed oil are what made this oil incredible for use.


Gamma Linoleic Acid (18:3)PUFA
Stearic Acid (18:0)5.8 %Saturated fat
Palmitic Acid (16:0)5.4 %Saturated fat
Palmitoleic Acid (16:1)MUFA
Oleic Acid (18:1)67.6 %MUFA
Linoleic Acid (18:2)0.69 %PUFA
Alpha Linolenic Acid(18:3)PUFA
Erucic Acid (22:1)MUFA
Gadoleic Acid (20:1)MUFA
Behenic Acid (22:0)6.74 %Saturated fat
Arachidic Acid (20:0)3.72 %Saturated fat


The prominent nutrients in moringa seed oil:

  1. Vitamin E. Vitamin E is scientifically proven to be strong antioxidants. Vitamin E can also protect your skin and boost your immune system.
  2. Sterols. Sterols are good to reduce cholesterol, antioxidant, antidiabetic activity, anti inflammatory,r educe osteoarthritis, lower blood glucose.
  3. Flavonoids. Flavonoids can be used to strengthen the blood vessels and lower inflammatory problems.

Other properties of Moringa Oil

Density 0.90  g/mlgreat for massage oil
Storage temperature –Ideal temperature for storage
Comedogenicity –Pore clogging potential ( 0 – 5 )
ORAC –Antioxidant Power
pH 4.3 Measure of Acidity
Peroxide Value 0.19 Measure of Initial Rancidity
Saponification Value 188 Measure of the average carbon chain length
Iodine Value 65.83 Measure of unsaturation of oil
Free Fatty Acids – Percentage of volatile oils


The Original Source of Moringa Seed Oil

Moringa seed oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of Moringa tree. Moringa tree is usually to be found in the Himalayan foothills. Moringa tree can grow long pods which contain seeds. Apart from the seed, the leaves of moringa are known to be even superior to the highly nutritious vegetables like spinach. The extraction method used to extract the oil is either by the cold pressed method or by solvent extraction. In the old days, it was extracted by using hand pressing. Oil taken from different locations, like India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Malawi and other parts of Africa, has slight differences in nutrition and properties.

Moringa seed oil has many health benefits. Below are the health benefits of moringa seed oil for your skin and when it is taken internally.

1. Benefits of moringa seed oil for the skin

Moringa seed oil is one of the best moisturizers for the skin. It should be applied on the skin the same way as a massage oil. Moringa seed oil can also make the skin to glow and make it well moisturized, but not too oily. Moringa seed oil can be absorbed well by the skin, it can make your skin smooth and also is a good conditioner for hair. Other benefits of moringa seed oil for your skin are

  • Pacifies dry skin.
  • Anti acne and helps with acne scars
  • Adds gloss to the skin
  • Fight fungal infections
  • Anti aging

3. Moringa Oil for Hair

Moringa seed oil is just as good for the hair as it is for the skin, especially as the hair conditioner. It can be used as a hot oil conditioner to deal with nearly any hair related problem. This also helps to moisturize your hair, well nourished the roots of your hair, anti dandruff, adds shine and gloss to the hair and make it look beautiful.

4. Liver health

Many types of research have proved moringa seed oil has to improve liver health in people whose liver has been damaged, mainly due to toxicity. A damaged liver can release certain signals regarding the damage.

Studies have shown that internal consumption of moringa seed oil lowered this signal levels in damaged liver damaged by a toxin. Moringa seed oil can also help liver which has been infected by viruses like hepatitis B.

5. Rheumatic Oil

Moringa seed oil can also be used as rheumatic oil. It can be applied directly to painful arthritic joints or to be used as an oil pack which is so beneficial. Moringa seed oil is also effective at reducing swelling and inflammation, which also provides you relief from the pain.

6. Emotional Instability

The traditional used of moringa seed oil iso calm do the n hysteria and uncontrolled emotional instability. Now it can even be used to stable your emotions and helps to deal with depression. Mainly this is because of the strong aroma of moringa seed oil.

Other Moringa Oil Uses

Apart from the health benefits of moringa seed oil, moringa seed oil can also be used for home remedies as listed below

  1. Sleeping Aid – Massage your head with three to four drops of lavender oil mixed with moringa seed oil. It is proven to reduce irritability and sleeplessness.
  2. Exfoliating Oil – Mix olive oil and moringa seed oil in an equal amount, then add some sugar cubes or salt and rub it on the skin.
  3. Nail Softener – Soak your nails in moringa seed oil to make your nails soft.
  4. Homemade Perfume – Add any of your favorite essential oil to moringa seed oil to make a home made perfume from moringa seed oil
  5. Soap – Moringa seed oil can be used in making soap because of its skin cleansing and moisturizing property.
  6. Perfume Base – Moringa seed oil is the best natural perfume base of all oils and was preferred by people of ancient civilizations.
  7. Oiling Machinery – Apart from being used for the body, moringa seed oil can also be for the lubricating small machine.
  8. Cooking oil – Moringa seed oil can also be used for cooking oil, especially for deep frying purpose.  Moringa seed oil can also be used for salad oil.

Moringa Seeds Oil for Body Uses

Apart from the top six health benefits, below are more health benefits of Moringa  seed oil and many uses of moringa seed oil

  1. anti acne
  2. heals skin diseases and any skin marks such as scars, burns and cuts marks
  3. moisturizes dry hair
  4. helps fights dandruff
  5. reduces face lines
  6. reduces wrinkles
  7. helps with sunburns
  8. nourishes food as cooking oil
  9. cleanse any toxic activities in your body
  10. helps with itching or rashes
  11. helps with depression, anxiety, and any other emotional activities
  12. helps for sleeping better
  13. helps for teeth health
  14. helps with any muscle sprain or muscle joint pain if used as the massage oil

Side Effects of moringa seed oil

Moringa seed oil is generally safe to use both externally and internally. There is no information on using Moringa seed oil during medication, therefore you can consult your doctor to know about this. Moringa seed oil is also one of the stable oil and the healthiest oil.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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