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18 Polyscias Fruticosa Benefits for Health Treatments

18 Polyscias Fruticosa Benefits for Health Treatments

18 Polyscias Fruticosa Benefits for Health Treatments

Have you ever heard the name of Polyscias fruticosa or Ming Aralia? Maybe for many people, that name is familiar with a houseplant that is known for its beauty. Polyscias fruticosaor Ming Aralia or it’s also known is a kind of plant that usually used as an ornamental plant in a tropical garden and famous for its bonsai shape. Most of the people rarely know that the plant can also be used for health and culinary recipe.

Coming from its family Araliaceae, ming aralia originally lives in several countries from Southeastern Asia and some tropical islands from Pacific region. The plant’s binomial name is Polyscias fruticosa. It has a dark pigmented and glossy texture leaves, and it can reach up to 1 to 2 meters in height. Indeed, you may know it as winged beans.

Ming Aralia is one of the plants that are also often used as healthy salad or lalapan menu especially in Indonesia. If you are unfamiliar with the name of this kind of vegetable, maybe the name of “Winged Bean” sounds more familiar. In Indonesia, this kind of vegetable is called kecipir because of its shape that is very similar to Kecipir–the name of one kind of pastry. The plant originally lives scattered and widespread in Southeast Asia and its surrounding, including Indonesia. The way to process winged beans is usually steamed or boiled and aList of Health Benefits of Being Vegetarian

Nutrients in Ming Aralia

There are some nutrients contained in the plant, such as :

  • Carbohydrate
  • Fat
  • Calcium Protein
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphor
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Water
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenate)
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B9
  • Flavonoids
  • Saponin
  • Tanin

Meanwhile, let’s check out the Polyscias fruticosa benefits for health below!

Benefits of Ming Aralia or Winged Beans

Seeing so many nutritional contents in the vegetable, no wonder ming aralia can provide many benefits for our health and also beauty. Let’s check the Polyscias fruticosa benefits below :

  1. Its carbohydrate content can be converted by our body into energy to support daily activities.
  2. Its natural antioxidants are able to ward off free radicals.
  3. Improve immune system so it is not susceptible to infections from virus and microbes.
  4. Can accelerate oxygen circulation in the bloodstream.
  5. Helps to overcome anemia by triggering the production of hemoglobin.
  6. Its water content can prevent our body from lacks of fluids or dehydration.
  7. Various mineral substances in Ming Aralia can strengthen bones and teeth, and also can prevent osteoporosis or bone loss at an advanced age.
  8. The vegetable has excellent protein for human brain development including preventing the occurrence of dementia. (
  9. Helps to smoothen the digestive system to be more healthy and avoid digestive disorders.
  10. Can be used as diet menu option to reduce the size of the stomach.
  11. Can reduce swelling or inflammation that occurs in the area of the eye.
  12. Natural medicine for ulcer or blain. You can smooth the vegetable and rub it in the area affected by ulcers.
  13. Believed to treat an earache.
  14. Helps to keep skin moisturized, and prevent dry skin and exfoliation.
  15. Prevent facial skin from early aging such as wrinkles and small lines on the face.
  16. Make a pale face looks brighter and flushed.
  17. A very good folate intake for fetal development in pregnant women.
  18. Helps to smoothen menstrual cycle for women and prevent menstrual cramps before or during menstruation.

Well, there are many Polyscias fruticosa benefits for health.

Cautions of Ming Aralia, are there?

So far there are no reports that the plant has contraindications or side effect for people who used it, unless an individual sensitiveness. There are some things that you should have aware of for consuming Ming Aralia, these are :

  1. For a constant and long-term use it may cause a similar effect like the overuse of Ginseng
  2. Consuming in a large amount may also cause diarrhea
  3. If consuming early before sleep might cause insomnia because the plant has stimulating effect
  4. Children can only consume in a small amount or quantity
  5. There are some allergic reactions such as inflammation, swelling, or rush for some people caused by skin contact with its leaves

Ming Aralia can be eaten, are you sure?

Beside it can be used as medicine, not many people know that this plant has a taste for culinary. In fact, all part of the plant surely can be eaten raw or cooked. It tastes just like the mixture of celery and parsley.

In Thailand, ming aralia is eaten raw. The part that Thai people eat are the young leaves and shoots. Indonesian used the plant as the side dish called as “lalapan” that served with meat, fish, or chicken. They also used it for soup. Apart from those two countries, Malaysians and Melanesians also consume it in their own traditional way.

Even though commonly used as bonsai house plant, all parts of the plant can be eaten fresh or cooked. It won’t be a waste to try eat ming aralia for salad, soup, or even stew, right?

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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