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18 Health Benefits of Tuba Tuba Leaves (No.2 Amazing)

18 Health Benefits of Tuba Tuba Leaves (No.2 Amazing)

18 Health Benefits of Tuba Tuba Leaves (No.2 Amazing)

Tuba-tuba leaves are very popular because of its advantages to heal dangerous illnesses, including cancer. Tuba-tuba leaves are indeed useful for our health as well as for curing dangerous diseases.

1. Reducing Cholesterol Level.

Several researches show that tuba-tuba leaves are powerful for lowering the level of bad cholesterol in our blood. Tuba-tuba leaves contain substance that can eliminate the bad cholesterol in our blood. Bad cholesterol usually comes along with poor choices of food intake, for example fried duck, fried chicken, fritters, and oily food. Moreover, the oil that uses many times until the color turns black.  That is the source of bad cholesterol that comes to our body.

2. Healing Uric Acid.

Uric acid usually attacks elderly men. However, young men and young women are possible to suffer from this illness.  Tuba-tuba leaves can solve the problem of uric acid. We can boil 10 pieces of tuba-tuba leaves which are already old but the color are still green and fresh (not brown or dry) with a glass of water. After it is warm, we can drink it twice a day.

3. Healing Diabetes.

Another benefit of tuba-tuba leaves is for curing diabetes. The level of high blood sugar in our body can be neutralized by drinking the boiling water of tuba-tuba leaves because it can level down the level of blood sugar into its normal level. The normal level of blood sugar level is 70-120 mg.

4. Curing Cancer.

Tuba-tuba leaves are powerful to cure cancer 100 times stronger than chemotherapy. Take 10 pieces of old tuba-tuba leaves. Boil them with 3 glasses of water until it becomes 1 glass. Drink it twice a day every day for 2 weeks. They are said stronger than a chemotherapy because they are powerful to diminish the growth of abnormal cells and facilitate the normal cells to grow well.

5. Lowering High Blood Level. 

Hypertension is a dangerous condition because it can invite another disease to our body, for example is stroke. For lowering high blood pressure,  drinking the boiling water of tuba-tuba leaves is a good idea.

6. Asthma and Hard Breathing Medicine. 

Prepare 7 pieces of tuba-tuba leaves that are usually used as a nest for red ants. Squeeze those leaves and hold the water until it reaches more or less a half glass. Drink it every morning until you feel better.

7. Curing Ulcer. 

Take 8 pieces of old medium tuba-tuba leaves. Wash them with warm water. Squeeze them until they are half smooth. Apply the potion on ulcers area. Let the potion dry. After that clean the ulcers area.

8. For curing Acnes.

Mashed tuba-tuba leaves. After it is smooth, add water and apply the potion on the acnes area. Wait until the skin pores absorb the potion then wash with warm water. This potion is often used by people in the old times to keep their face beautiful.

9. Mild Cough Medicine. 

For curing mild cough, prepare 7 leaves of young tuba-tuba leaves. Squeeze them and hold the water in the glass. Drink it every morning before eating or drinking anything.

10.  Curing Back Pain. 

Tuba-tuba leaves can also be used for curing back pain. Prepare 20 pieces of tuba-tuba leaves. Boil them with 5 glasses of water until it becomes 3 glasses of water. Drink it 3/4 glass once a day.

11. Curing Eczema and Rheumatic. 

Prepare 5 pieces of young or old tuba-tuba leaves. Squeeze them using our hands until they are smooth. Apply the potion in a painful area for a while. After 1 hour application, clean the potion.

12. Medicine for Hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids should avoid spicy and acid food because they can trigger hemorrhoids. Yet, the inner medication should also be done. One of traditional medications for hemorrhoids is tuba-tuba leaves. Boil 10 pieces of tuba-tuba leaves with 3 glasses of water until it becomes 1 glass. Drink the potion once a day.

13. Diminishing Lice.

Tuba-tuba leaves can also be used to diminish the lice. Its power is the same powerful as the chemical medication made by the factory. Boil the old tuba-tuba leaves and use the water for washing the hair. Do it routinely.

14. Curing Liver. 

Liver is the disease because there is an inflammation in our liver. This is because liver patients have a poor living habit, such as consuming drugs or alcoholic drinks. To cure liver problem, boil 7 pieces of tuba-tuba leaves with 3 glasses of water until it becomes 1 glass. Drink it at once. Drink it routinely twice a day before sleeping.

15. Skin Face Regeneration.

Tuba-tuba leaves can also be used for skin face regeneration.  Take 8 pieces of tuba-tuba leaves. Boil them with 3 glasses of water until it becomes 1 glass. Drink this potion twice a week routinely until we feel the difference.

16. Removing the Blackheads.

Blackheads are sort of acnes that are produced by excessive oil in our skin pores. Blackheads are usually found in our face, back, arms, chest, and shoulders. Tuba-tuba leaves are powerful for removing the blackheads. Take 5 pieces of green tuba-tuba leaves. Wash them and mashed them until they are smooth. Apply the potion in a blackheads area every night before sleeping.

17. Preventing Infection.

Tuba-tuba leaves are powerful for preventing infection. Infection is a health problem because of germs come into our body. The common symptom of infection is fever because it is the sign for our body to attack the germs. Because tuba-tuba leaves are rich with high antioxidant, they are powerful for curing infection. Prepare 5 pieces of tuba-tuba leaves. Boil them with 5 glasses of water until it becomes 1 glass. Drink the potion once a day.

18. Eradicating Tumor.

Tumor is an illness because there is an inflammation in our body. Every inflammation (dangerous or not) can be called as a tumor because it is the place for the abnormal cells to grow. Tuba-tuba leaves are rich of Acetogenis. The substance can eradicate the abnormal cells that causes tumor without influencing the other cells. Take 11 pieces of tuba-tuba leaves. Boil them in 2 glasses of water until it becomes a half glass. Drink this potion regularly before sleeping.  Do this routinely for two months until we feel the changes.

Tuba-tuba leaves are powerful for medication because they contain substances that are effective for medication.

24  properties of tuba-tuba leaves for medication: 
  • Antibakteri : For hampering the grow of bacterium.
  • Antivirus:  For hampering the grow of viruses.
  • Antikanker: For hampering the cancers development.
  • Antitumor: For hampering the tumors development
  • Antiparasit: For hampering the parasites development
  • Antimalaria: Preventing malaria
  • Antileishmania: Antileishmania
  • Antispasmodic: Substances that makes our muscles relax.
  • Antikonfulsan: antikonvulsan
  • Astrigen: Substance that collapses mucuous membrane.
  • Antimutagenik: Substance that hampers gen mutation.
  • Analgesik: Substance that reduce the pain.
  • Anti-inflamasi: Substance that suppress inflammation.
  • Medication for Fever:  Substance that can reduce the fever.
  • Hypotension: Substance that lowers the blood pressure.
  • Hypoglicemic: Substance that lowers the blood sugar.
  • Nervin: Substance for strengthening nerve.
  • Cardiodepresant: Substance for pressing the heart activity.
  • Galactogogue: Substance that can increase the production of breast milk.
  • Stomakik: Substance that makes our stomach strong and increase our appetite.
  • Vasodilator: Substance that makes our blood vessel wider.
  • Vermifuge: Substance that diminishes the worms in our stomach.
  • Diuretik: The emetik of aurine
  • Tranquilizers:  Substance that calms us.

For getting the best result of tuba-tuba leaves, we should know the usage and application tips of tuba-tuba leaves.

3 tips of using and applying tuba-tuba leaves:

  • Clean the leaves. Do not forget to wash the leaves under the running water because there may many germs or bacterium.
  • Consume them sufficiently. We should follow the consumption suggestion so that we get the benefit of consuming them.
  • Consult health expert. We should consult with the herbal expert related to the benefits of consuming tuba-tuba leaves as well as how to apply them and their nutrition.

Tuba-tuba leaves are indeed rich of substances that are powerful for curing mild and dangerous diseases. Knowing the usage and application of them will bring more benefit.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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