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14 Proven Health Benefits of Yellow and Red Capsicum

14 Proven Health Benefits of Yellow and Red Capsicum

14 Proven Health Benefits of Yellow and Red Capsicum

Roses are red, violet is blue.

Yellow or Red, Capsicum is good for you.

There’s more than it’s color. This red and yellow pepper add an eye catching colour to any dish. Yet, after read this article, you will have another reason to pick them over its sibling (the green one). Yes, this colorful vegetables brings a lot of benefits you didn’t know.

You may already read an explanation why eating raw capsicum could be best diet for you like what we post in Health Benefits of Eating Raw Bell Pepper (#Best Diet). And today, we will dig deeper of its health benefits, cautions, and recommendation intake for you.

Yellow and Red Capsicum Nutrient Contents

Let’s start! Here’s the yellow and red capsicum contents:

  1. Water
    Fresh capsicums are mainly composed of water (92%). It also contains a decent amount of carbs (6 gr) and small composition of protein (1 gr) and fat (0.3 gr).
  2. Carbs
    The carbs in capsicum are mostly sugars (glucose and fructose), which makes the sweet taste of ripped capsicums. 149 grams of chopped red capsicums contains 9 grams of carbs.
  3. Fibers
    This colorful vegetable also contains small amounts of fiber. Fresh bell-pepper is composed of 2%. You may know that fiber is beneficial for many disease prevention. We’ll cover it on the next parts below.
  4. Multiple Vitamins and Minerals
    Red and yellow capsicums are loaded with multiple vitamins and minerals. In fact, it contains more vitamin C than orange. So, what are they?
  5. Potassium
    It is an essential mineral that improve heart health if consumed in right amounts.
  6. Folate
    As researched by Fekete K, there is a positive effect of folate intake on health outcomes in pregnancy. The minerals affect birth weight, placental weight, and length of gestation. Folate also known as folic acid, folacin, or vitamin B9, that has a variety of functions in the body.
  7. Vitamin A
    Red and yellow capsicums are high in pro-vitamin A or beta-caroten. It converts into vitamin A in the body. Marin A in “Characterization and quantitation of antioxidant constituents of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)” conclude that immature green bell peppers shows the highest content of polyphenols. Red ripe capsicum has the highest content of vitamin C and pro-vitamin A.
  8. Vitamin C
    Red and yellow capsicum is one of the richest dietary sources of vitamin C. It contains 169% of the RDA for vitamin C. Therefore, red and yellow can be alternative if you can’t find orange at your favorite grocery store.

When they are ripe, research says that capsicums are rich in various antioxidants such as capsanthin, violaxanthin, lutein, quercetin, and luteolin.

You can find abundant amount of capsanthin in red bell peppers. Capsanthin is a powerful antioxidants responsible for their red color. This carotenoid may help protect against cancer. You will also get violaxanthin in yellow capsicums.

After you read the nutrient contents, you may ask: “So, what is it for?”. Now you ask, I will share you the health benefits of yellow and red capsicum.

Health Benefits of Yellow and Red Capsicum

People know more about green capsicums than yellow and red. Yellow and red capsicums are underrated while actually they are rich conventional nutrient content.

As researched by nutritionist, Capsicum (Capsicum annuum) or Bell peppers are rich in many vitamins and antioxidants. This berry contains a lot of vitamin C and various carotenoids. What does it mean?

It means that eating them may have several health benefits, such as improved eye health, brightening the skin, and reduced risk of several chronic diseases.

1. Prevents Anemia

Eating raw bell peppers combined with iron-rich food may increase your body’s iron stores. When you purchase red capsicum next time, make sure you also buy meat or spinach to cut the risk of anemia.

You know that anemia is a condition of a reduced ability of the blood to carry oxygen. The most common cause is iron deficiency. People with anemia usually feel weak and tired easily.

How red capsicum prevents anemia?

Scientist found that not only exceptionally rich in vitamin C, capsicums are a decent source of iron. As the result, the absorption of iron from the gut will increase.

FACT: One medium-sized red and yellow capsicum may contain 169% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C. And yes, capsicum has more vitamin C than orange!

2. Eye Health

The most common causes of visual impairment such as cataracts and macular degeneration are old age and infections. However, nutrition also plays a significant role. How can Capsicum prevents the disease?

Abdel-Aal el-SM, et all at his paper “Dietary Sources of Lutein and Zeaxanthin Carotenoids and Their Role in Eye Health”, wrote that numerous studies have identified that lutein and zeaxanthin is essentials for eye health.

Lutein and zeaxanthin constitute the main pigments found in the yellow spot of the human retina. Which protect the macula from damage by blue light, scavenge harmful reactive oxygen species, and improve visual acuity.

And the good news is, these substances found in relatively high amounts in red and yellow capsicums. It may improve eye health considerably when consumed in adequate amounts.

To cut the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts, we need to take regular consumption of rich-carotenoids food, So, now you know many health benefits of yellow and red capsicum.

3. Make Your Skin Younger

As we mention before that red capsicums are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is an antioxidant helping to protect your body from free radicals — substances that damage cells. Aging process are contributed by free radical build-up in your body.

Vitamin C plays a a vital role in producing collagen so your skin will look younger.

4. Stable Blood Sugar Levels

This bell-shaped berry contains fiber that is very useful to maintain sugar level stability. Fiber promotes slow absorption of sugar. People with diabetes type 2 is recommended to consume it regularly.

5. Prevents Prostate Cancer

In fact, red capsicum have Lycopene to prevent prostate cancer. Lycopene is a pigmen that’s responsible for the color in vibrant red and yellow capsicum. You are suggested to cook it lightly in olive oil because the pepper releases more lycopene when cooked.

6. Prevents Heart Disease

According to University of Maryland Medical Center, eating four or more daily servings of rich beta-carotene vegetables, my help prevent heart disease.

7. Developing Collagen

Because of its rich vitamin C, capsicums are great for developing collagen. It is a tissue needed for maintaining healthy gums, teeth, bones, and blood vessels.

But wait, is There Any Adverse Effects?

Capsicums are generally well-tolerated and healthy. Some people may be allergic to them. If you hear people says they are allergic in capsicum, there’s big possibility they are not allergic in capsicum itself. Allergy to spices rarely represents autonomous sensitization, but is rather a consequence of pollen allergy on the basis of immunologic cross-reactivy.

In 1998, researcher Ebner C published medical journal about allergens in plant-derived spices, such as apiaceae spices, pepper, and paprika (capsicum, solanaceae). From this publication we know that persons who have pollen allergy may also be sensitive to capsicums because of allergic cross-reactivity.

To conclude, apart from causing allergy in some people, they do not have any adverse health effects.

So, we recommend you to consume yellow and red capsicum regularly. The water, vitamin C, and fiber is very good for you. Especially for elderly people. It prevents the visual impairments. It will be beneficial also if you want to keep your skin healthy. Yellow and red capsicums also a great alternative carbs resource for people with diabetes.

Recommended Way to Cook Capsicums

There’s a lot of cooking methods. But if you want to keep the nutrients, follow three basic cooking guidelines. First, minimal necessary heat exposure. Second, minimal cooking duration. Third, minimal surface contact with cooking liquid.

So, you can heat 3 TBS of broth or water in a stainless steel skiller. When bubbles begin to form, add sliced red or yellow capsicums. Boil it for 3 minutes on medium heat. After 3 minutes, add another 2 TBS broth. Then, cook uncovered on low heat for 4 minutes. Stir it constantly.

Indeed, now you can get health benefits of yellow and red capsicum by tasty food.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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