HP Core i5 and i7 Laptop Prices in Nigeria
HP Core i5 and i7 Laptop Prices in Nigeria
f you’re looking for the current prices of HP Core i5 and Core i7 laptops in Nigeria, you’re just on the right page. Read on to get all the information you need regarding the prices of these devices as well as other details you need in order to make a well-informed buying decision.
When it comes to technology, laptop use is one of the aspects in which Nigeria doesn’t seem to lag behind the rest of the world. Following the release of a new badass laptop model by any of the big brands, it takes only few weeks for the device to be available here in Nigeria. So, it’s not surprising that Nigerians have, like the rest of the world, gone beyond older processors and are now focusing on the likes of core i5 and i7.
And if you’ve landed on this page while searching specifically for information about HP core i5 or core i7 laptops, you’re on the right track because the processor is one of the most important factors to consider when looking for the right laptop to buy.
HP Core i5 Laptops: Prices in Nigeria
- HP Pavilion 15 [12GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 15.6 inches] — N225,000 – N250,000
- HP Pavilion 15 [8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 15.6 inches] — N242,000 – N260,000
- HP Notebook 14-bp008tx [8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 14 inches] — N215,000 – N250,000
- HP Pavilion X360 15-bk010nr [8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 15.6″] — N225,000 – N265,000
- HP TouchSmart 15 [8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 15.6 inches] — N209,000 – N240,000
So, if you’re planning to buy a brand new HP Core i5 laptop in Nigeria, you should set aside between N200,000 and N230,000. As you can see, prices vary from device to device due to differences such as RAM capacity, display size, storage capacity, and maximum processor speed. Other factors include number of USB ports and overall versatility.
HP Core i7 Laptops: Prices in Nigeria
- HP Spectre Pro 13 [8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, 13.3 inches] — N390,000 – N450,000
- HP Pavilion 15T [16GB RAM, 2TB HDD, 15.6 inches] — N480,000 – N520,000
- HP Envy 17s143cl [16GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 17.3 inches] — N350,000 – N400,000
From the list, you can correctly deduce that you’ll need to have at least N330,000 set aside if you want to buy a brand new core i7 HP laptop in Nigeria.
HP Core i5 vs. HP Core i7 Laptops
Now, let’s do a brief comparison between core i5 and core i7 laptops.
Let’s start with the similarities, both processors have 4 cores (quad-core) and both come with the the Turbo Boost feature, which enhances performance beyond what is seemingly obtainable.
Now to the differences, core i7 processors come with the hyperthreading feature, which forces applications to run more quickly and maintains optimal performance when multiple applications are running at a time. Core i5 processors lack this feature. In addition, core i5 processors pack 6MB of cache space, as against the 8MB available on core i7 processors. Also worthy of note is the fact that Core i7 processors are expectably more expensive than Core i5 processors and consume slightly more power, especially when they’re working at full capacity.
Note that we didn’t get even close to exhausting the list of similarities and differences between both processor types. And that’s to avoid boring you with details you might not necessarily need.
Where to get HP Core i5 and i7 laptops in Nigeria
While you have the option of going to the nearest computer or electronics store to get your HP laptop, you’d be better off by ordering it online. And that’s because you’re more than likely to get the cheapest prices on online stores like Jumia and Konga. You wonder why?
The reason is that Jumia and Konga are not stores themselves; they are just marketplaces that allow people to display their products for sale and then handle the transactions and shipping for them. And because there are many laptop sellers on these platforms, there is a stiff competition on price. After all, the sellers themselves are aware that the average Nigerian will opt for the cheapest offer available. From experience, I’ve found that laptops are cheaper on these online platforms than in stores in Computer Village.
If you think buying online is risky, then you’re wrong. You have the option to pay on delivery only after you’ve received the product you ordered for. But if for any reason you’re still not comfortable with buying your HP laptop online, walk into the nearest local store and get it. The most important thing is for you to get exactly what you want.
Advantages of HP Laptops
- They are durable and rugged; they can withstand years of heavy use.
- They have good battery life. Although their batteries don’t last exceptionally long, they are able to maintain their original strength for a very long time before dropping gradually.
Disadvantages of HP Laptops
- They are relatively more expensive than laptops by other brands like Acer and Lenovo (but they are of better quality than those, anyway).
- Most of their low-end devices sport crappy displays, with visible pixels insulting your eyes.