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How To Migrate To Mtn Share And Sell

How To Migrate To Mtn Share And Sell

How To Migrate To Mtn Share And Sell

MTN Share and Sell is the quickest way to share and transfer airtime among your friends and family. You can also use the service to make quick money by selling and transferring airtime to other MTN users. This post will show you how to activate it on your MTN number.

What is MTN Share and Sell?

MTN Share and Sell or MTN Share ‘N’ Sell allows you to send airtime (credit) from your MTN account balance to your family members’, friends’ or anyone that has an MTN line. You can use MTN Share and Sell to top up their account balance so they can be able to stay connected.

Benefits of MTN Share and Sell

  • This service lets you transfer airtime from your MTN number to other MTN numbers quickly and easily.
  • The airtime transferred will reflect on the recipient’s account balance immediately after it is completed and confirmed by sending “YES” to 777.
  • You can transfer airtime worth from 50 Naira to 5,000 Naira to another MTN number in one single transfer.
  • You can transfer up to 10,000 Naira worth of airtime from your phone to one or more MTN numbers in a day.
  • Your airtime transfers are always secure. You can only make transfers with your PIN which should be known only to you.
  • All old and new prepaid and postpaid MTN customers can use this service.

How to Activate MTN Share and Sell

How To Migrate To Mtn Share And Sell

To activate the MTN Share and Sell service on your phone, all you have to do is just change your Share and Sell PIN from the default pin and register a new pin.

To register your Share ‘N’ Sell PIN, there are two possible ways:

  1. You can send an SMS in this format: Default PIN Your New PIN Your New PIN to 777. The default PIN for all MTN customers before activation is 0000. For example, you can send 0000 4321 4321 to 777. That means your PIN for transfers will be 4321.
  2. The second way of activating the MTN Share and Sell service is by dialing *600*Default PIN*Your New PIN* Your New PIN# from your phone i.e. if you want to register your PIN as 4321, you will dial *600*0000*4321*4321#.

Once you have successfully completed your MTN Share and Sell activation and PIN registration, you will get an SMS that your PIN has been changed successfully. In case you want to change your PIN in future, you will use any of the formats above. But in place of the default PIN, you will put your old PIN i.e. Old PIN New PIN New PIN.

How to make transfer on MTN Share and Sell

To transfer credit is also very easy and quick. You can use any of the following MTN Share and Sell code:

  1. Send an SMS in this format: Transfer, the recipient’s number, the amount to be transferred, your transfer PIN to 777. E.g. to transfer 500 Naira airtime to 08031234567, send Transfer 08031234567 500 4321 to 777. After sending the message, a reply will be sent to you to confirm the transfer. You will do so by sending YES to 777.
  2. You can dial this code: *600*the recipient’s number*the amount to be transferred*Transfer PIN#. For example, *600*08031334568*500*4321# from your phone and then press send/ok. Once the transfer has been completed, an SMS will be sent to you to inform you of the successful completion.

This is quite convenient and easy. Once you have activated the service, you can then begin to transfer airtime using the MTN Share and Sell code. We hope this information has been helpful for you.

The content on this site related to health is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician
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